In this episode of the MEN NEED TO BE HEARD podcast we discuss what Dads need to do to prepare for a Child Custody Battle, what it's going to cost if they hire a lawyer, and what they can do to represent themselves in family court as a Pro Se litigant or In Pro Per. +
Here's the Show link:
This week I spoke with multiple New York Times best selling author Stephen Mansfield about his latest book, Men on Fire - Restoring the Forces that Forge Noble Manhood.
Men in today's society often find themselves isolated and alone after a divorce or breakup and need to restore their social support network and self-esteem. It's crucial for them to set an example for their children, especially so if they are fighting for more parenting time in family court.
In this episode I answer a question that came from Facebook from a dad about how his ex was using his learning disability of dyslexia as a wedge with their children. She was telling the kids he was stupid, which made him concerned he'd lose his kids in court.
Learn how we deal with that in the Dad's Action Pack.
In this episode I speak with Sylvio La Valle, he founded the Father's Rights group on Facebook and it's grown to serve men and women across the globe. We chat about how a father can increase his custodial time share, and work through the emotions of a custody case.
The group is on Facebook at
If you're looking to increase your parenting time and need to represent yourself in court as a Pro Se (In Pro Per) litigant, don't forget to check out the Dad's ACTION Pack at
In this episode of the Men's Family Law podcast, I speak with Craig Perra from about his journey through sex addiction and his recovery, into being a voice and champion for those still caught in the web of addiction.
In this episode of the Men's Family Law Podcast, I discuss what you need to tell a lawyer, and more importantly what you DON'T need to cover until asked.
If you're going to represent yourself you should probably still meet with a lawyer in your jurisdiction to get a feel for the judge and the courts, plus get a solid review of the law that you want to rely upon.
In this episode I cover what to do when you've been served with a domestic violence restraining order. This is crucial information that can have long term impact on your child custody, and career, especially if you are going to represent yourself in this case. Many men think they can go in pro per, and they can, but they should do their homework first.
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