Child Support 101: How To Get Her To Pay
Dec 19, 2024
Hey, Dad. The question of the day is: Can you receive alimony and/or child support before you actually have a judgment of divorce or paternity? This came up today in a question. The answer is yes, absolutely—you can obtain child support and/or interim alimony. We refer to this as pendente lite support. This means you can get an order from the judge requiring your ex, especially if she’s earning more than you, to pay alimony or child support.
In this particular case, Dad had taken about two years off to focus on being the stay-at-home parent while Mom was off, you know, slaying dragons and climbing the corporate ladder. Now he’s thinking, “Well, I want to get some support; I’m going to set my pride aside.” And I’m like, “Dude, what do you mean set your pride aside? You’ve earned that right by taking care of the family while she was out advancing her career.”
It’s the same argument that women have been using for, oh, I don’t know, millennia. If you’re a guy and you need support, go get it! File the paperwork, ask the judge to issue orders, and secure the child support you’re entitled to. More importantly, the child is entitled to it because that’s what it’s for. It’s called child support for a reason. Remember, we make those arguments that it’s not meant for hair, nails, or anything else—it’s meant for the kid. When you need it, you need it.
Anyway, that’s my take on the matter. Go get your support if you need it. Have a great day, and remember, I think you’re fucking awesome!